Pricing is free, and it can be used without any registration. Just note that since it requires a lot of resources (Storage, RAM, CPU, etc...), we are forced to put some limitations1.
Anonymous User
CAD Viewer App
Visualize STP, IGS, OBJ & STL files4. | |
Upload files up to 104857600. | |
Store files up to 3 Days. | |
Share files only with the "Protected" visibility. | |
Have up to 524288000 of storage2 (with a IP3 limitations). |
CAD Library App
Visualize files. | |
Download files. |
Chat App
Join invitations or public conversations. |
Registered User
All the Anonymous User benefits plus:
CAD Viewer App
Upload files up to 209715200. | |
Store files with an unlimited amount of time. | |
Share files with the Private, Protected or Public visibilities. | |
Have up to 1073741824 of storage2. | |
Receive email notifications. | |
List and manage your files. | |
Save custom settings. |
CAD Library App
Possibility of sharing your uploaded CAD-Viewer files. |
Chat App
Create and Manage conversations. | |
Upload media (Documents, Photos, Videos). | |
Have 209715200 of storage. | |
Save custom settings. |
Receive support of a staff member if he is available. | |
Have a profile page. |
- 1The limitations are subject to change without any notification.
- 2The storage refers to the total of MiB used to provide the service. For example, when uploading a CAD file keeping its source, the storage size will be equal to the one of the source plus our converted file. Once that the file expires, the storage is liberated.
- 3The IP restriction only applies to unregistered users, but if a registered user uploads data under the same IP, he will also consume the unregistered-user data. Registered users sharing the same IP are not limited by this.
- 4It is not possible to ensure that all the files will be properly read and converted. CAD files are complex, and some may include errors, if you have a problem with a conversion please contact us.